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Useful Tips For Landing a Job After Completing Graduation

10 Useful Tips for Landing a Job After Completing Graduation


So, you are close to finishing your graduation in the next few months or few weeks! For many students, this can be exciting, while for others, it is like a roller coaster ride as they need to find the answers to what is next. Some obvious questions are – Should I continue my studies? Should I study abroad, if yes, then which country, university, and course? Should I prepare myself for the job hunt and choose distance learning for further studies? If you choose to work after graduation, then this post is for you. Here, we will give you some useful tips that may help you land a suitable job after completing graduation.

Let’s get started!

Tip 1: Start Your Search Early

According to, some job interviews can take 12 or more weeks to complete. So, rather than considering a job at the end of the final semester, you should start your search a little earlier then only you can land the right job after completing graduation. As you already know – the sooner, the better, it is good to start researching for the positions you are interested as well as eligible in before the end of the final semester.

Tip 2: Know What to Search

As mentioned in the previous tip, knowing what positions you are eligible for with your degree will help you narrow down your job search. You can also make a list of job titles that you are interested to apply to.

Tip 3: Keep Your Eyes and Mind Open

Simultaneously, a student needs to keep their eyes and mind open to consider the jobs outside their majors or areas. For instance, a bachelor’s degree in applied psychology can help you find entry-level jobs in the field of mental health but you could also consider the positions that require soft skills such as people skills. Do not sell yourself shorter.

Tip 4: Be Positive and Practical

There is only one person who is responsible for your search for a job after completing graduation  – YOU. Hence, you need to be positive and practical or simply proactive to apply to plenty of job positions. A good opportunity may not be clear on looking at the job posting online. So, you need to take initiatives by exploring your networks. And to make better connections, attend events, seminars, and meet-ups.

Tip 5: Keep Your Social Media Clean

In addition to LinkedIn, some recruiters may also look for your other social media profiles. So, you need to clean up the clutter or change the privacy so that you do not appear on the top even from a simple Google search. If you do not want to do so, post some good content to portray yourself as a professional brand.

Tip 6: Do Not Fake Your Knowledge and Skills

While it is easy to represent yourself as a Microsoft Excel expert, it is important not to exaggerate your skills, knowledge, and experience. First and foremost, there is no need to do so as your face-to-face interview will reveal everything about your skills. Be real and honest with what you know.

Tip 7: Gain Relevant Experience, if Possible

Having relevant work experience along with education or degree in your preferred field not just helps your resume but gives you enhanced opportunities to determine what is a good fit as well. Even though you are busy in your studies, you can still gain some work experience through volunteering, summer/winter internships, or part-time jobs.

Tip 8: Expand Your Network

Networking is one of the most important parts of the job hunt process. Many market leaders say, ‘some experts say that 70% of people are in their current position because of networking. Start building your network early and don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice. Your school and professors want to see you succeed’. This simply means that building a strong relationship with people around i.e. classmates is an easy way for you to expand your network.

Tip 9: Go for Informational Interviews

If you are not sure about the roles for job after completing graduation, you should apply for after graduation, an informational interview can serve you the best. By going for this type of interview, you can easily get information on the day-to-day requirements and responsibilities for the potential career options as per your education, skills, and interest area. The alumni network, LinkedIn and a career counselling firm like AEC can be your best sources for this.

Tip 10: Organized Job Search is Important

You can prepare a spreadsheet or a running document containing the jobs you want to apply to or are interested in. Make a list of alumni, other professionals, and employers you will contact to make things clearer and easier. By doing so, you can track the progress and keep the information (contact details) for so many years to come.


So, these are a few but important tips that you can keep in your mind to get a dream job for completing graduation. In case, you need any other assistance such as study abroad consultation, admission procedure, study visa process, scholarship schemes, pre-departure assistance, and post-arrival guidance, you can get in touch with AEC. A dedicated team of professionals will help you establish a solid foundation in terms of the right education in the right university so that you can get a job of your dream without much hassle. For further queries, give us a call today.

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