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Common mistakes in LOR



Letters of recommendation (LORs) are essential to many applications, including college, graduate school, and job applications. LORs allow your recommenders to share insights into your skills, abilities, and potential. However, many applicants need to correct their LORs, which can damage their acceptance chances.

In this blog post, we will present the most common mistakes to avoid in your LORs and provide tips on writing a strong recommendation letter.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in LORs

  • Choosing the wrong recommender: Your recommenders should be people who know you well and can speak to your strengths and abilities. Only choose recommenders who know you well or are qualified to assess your potential.
  • Need to give your recommenders more time: Writing a strong LOR takes time and effort. Give your recommenders at least two weeks to write your letter, and provide them with the necessary information, such as your resume, personal statement, and transcripts.
  • Not giving your recommenders specific instructions: Let them know what you want them to highlight in your letter. This could include specific skills, experiences, or accomplishments.
  • Not reviewing your LORs before submitting them: Once your recommenders have written your LORs, be sure to review them carefully before submitting them. Make sure that the letters are well-written and free of errors.

Tips for Writing a Strong LOR

  • Be specific: Avoid using generic language in your LORs. Instead, be clear about your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. For example, instead of saying that you are a “hard worker,” provide specific examples of times when you have demonstrated your hard work ethic.
  • Be quantifiable: Whenever possible, use quantifiable data to support your claims. For example, instead of saying that you are a “good student,” say that you have a GPA of 3.9 and have been on the dean’s list every semester.
  • Be honest: It is important to be honest in your LORs. Do not exaggerate your accomplishments or lie about your skills and experiences.
  • Be positive: Your LORs should be a positive reflection of you. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, and avoid talking about your weaknesses.


LORs can play a critical role in the admissions process. By avoiding common mistakes and following the tips above, you can write strong LORs that will help you get accepted to the colleges, graduate schools, and jobs of your dreams.


Q: What is the best way to choose a recommender?

A: When choosing a recommender, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The recommender should know you well and be able to speak to your strengths and abilities.
  • The recommender should be qualified to assess your potential.
  • The recommender should be willing to write a strong letter of recommendation for you.

Q: How long should I give my recommenders to write my LORs?

A: Giving your recommenders at least two weeks to write your LORs is important. This will give them enough time to write a thoughtful and well-written letter.

Q: What should I include in my LOR instructions?

A: When providing instructions to your recommenders, be sure to include the following information:

  • The purpose of the LOR
  • The deadline for the LOR
  • Any specific information you would like to be highlighted in the letter
  • Your resume, personal statement, and transcripts

Q: How can I review my LORs before submitting them?

A: Once your recommenders have written your LORs, ask them to send them to you for review. This will give you a chance to check for errors and make sure that the letters are a positive reflection of you.

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